O.D Intervention
The objectives in an Organizational Development (OD) intervention are to deliberately plan and organize to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and to enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals.
A holistic understating of the organization is acquired using various scientifically designed tools like role efficacy, organizational culture and organizational climate questionnaire. New processes can then be initiated in the organization to build a culture, which is dynamic and excellence oriented.The outcome is transformational change in people(mindsets) and business growth.
Behavioral Training & Soft Skill Training
Behavioral Training inputs could be a continuation of the organizational development intervention, wherein specific need-based inputs or training are provided as a proactive intervention. An inventory of training inputs is designed across functions and hierarchical levels. Training inputs are based on the Knowledge, Attitude and Skills (K-A-S) model of learning.
This aims to redefine roles among employees, optimize the manager's involvement and commitment and to enhance team and leadership skills.
Psychometric Assessment
Standardized objective assessment technique which helps to identify potential, predict performance and develop individuals in a short period of time. It provides deeper insights into the human psyche and taps those traits that are difficult to discover and identify otherwise. The scope for psychometrics is ever increasing and more organizations are applying them for proactive HR interventions.
We are certified practitioners for Hogan, MBTI, CPI, 16PF, TAT, DBDA, and Firo-B.
Workplace Counseling
The organizational growth with its demands on employees seems over-burdening and stressful. There are expectations in terms of time, mental engagement and deployment of the total self. We aim to -
This in turn creates a healthy work environment with high energy and efficiency.
Competency Mapping and Development Center
A process of identifying the competencies required for recruitment and identification of training needs. It identifies the gap between an individual's competency and the competencies required to deliver high performances at various levels of management. Our role is to understand the competencies required to succeed in a function and link it to the business goals.
Assessment centers are used to assess potential, to identify strengths and development needsso as to ensure that the organization takes the best person for the role. The way in which a candidate is assessed is by his competencies. It is therefore possible to simulate any position for its participants, thereby conveying them into a future role or responsibility while simultaneously checking their suitability thereto.We ensure that the organizations develop employees to be productive, effective and develop to their full potential and the end result is a well-documented individual plan for each participant.
To know more about the services provided and work done, browse through the CV of our founder here