Tangram caters to the need of every individual in their different stages of lifealong with the ongoing emotional and psychological issues as well as deep-rooted psychological problems. People who are finding it difficult to cope with their personal problems, interpersonal relationship, and any environmental condition can visit us.
A one to one exploration of experiences and resolution of dilemmas of relational, occupational and life choices with sensitivity and dignity. This will help -
The fabric of the family systems have undergone drastic changes and hence poses challenges at several levels. We work with couples on their intimate relationship and nurture change and development from within. We try to influence the couple and family members to redefine their relationship and thereby strengthening it. The TA, CBT and ISTDP models have successfully been applied to resolve family and marriage issues. 'A stitch in time saves nine' is the underlying philosophy.
Family therapy helps to enhance communication between family members and to cultivate the independence of the individual within the family. It avoids apportioning blame. It may involve entire families with parents and their young or adult children. It may also involve some members of a family or couples.
Parenting as all others roles has come to us through the influences of culture, society and family socialization. Hence parenting is an automatic process. The break-down of joint family system, rapid urbanization, new frameworks in education, and impactful westernization have brought about drastic changes in our beliefs and values. Parents have a challenging role at hand. They are the ones to provide continuity and follow the prescribed inherent roles as well as provide learning and growth to their children to prepare them to deal with the changing world and evolve as global citizens.
The concept of self-esteem is central to their child's educational development. Mounting research and experiences shared by teachers, psychologists and remedial therapists indicate that the increase in learning difficulties, behavioral and conduct disorders can be sourced back to the family system.
Our flagship workshop is the instrumented training we run based on the book 'Proactive parenting'. The workshop is designed to be participative and experiential. The workshops are customized based on the age of children. We help parents understand their child and guide them to deal with the issues more effectively, hence building a positive relationship with them.
Tangram caters to the need of every individual in their different life stages with the ongoing emotional and psychological issues as well as deep-rooted psychological problems. People who are finding it difficult to cope with their personal problems, interpersonal relationship, any environmental condition can visit us.
A one to one exploration and resolution of experiences and dilemmas of relational, occupational and life choices with sensitivity and dignity. This will help -
A grade 2 student was referred to Tangram by a school teacher for not writing and disturbing the class. Parents were disturbed and blamed the child for being naughty.
The first thing we require is to understand the reason for low concentration.
This can be diagnosed through a battery of psychometric tools. Disorders like ADHD, L.D., Dyslexia, Autism, and mental retardation can be easily diagnosed using scientific standardized tools and the child can be helped better and taught strategies to cope with the disorder.
Diagnosis is the 1st step towards finding a solution to a mental disorder or problem. Clinical, counseling and Human-resource tools are available to diagnose and develop personnel.
Assessment of the child will then evaluate his/her thinking, learning and behavior and helps us to identify the strengths and developmental areas.
Tangram caters to the need of every child in the following areas –
In the era of increased competition and exposure to multiple careers, choosing the right one becomes a matter of serious consideration. Being realistic in making a choice can help students to go in an appropriate direction.
Psychometrics help to make informed choices regarding subjects and provides insights into the self and interpersonal interfaces. There are a variety of tools available to assess an individual's potential. There is then, a need to avail such tools which will ensure maximum predictability and fairness and which are customized to fit the educational, organizational and cultural requirements.This objective can be enhanced by the Holistic Model.
The holistic model is based on the principle of looking at careers vis-a-vis the students' unique characteristics- his Aptitudes, Interests and Personality. The model below explains how the assessment of a person's internal as well as external orientations can lead to selection of a successful career path.